The Justice Reinvestment Initiative Improves Community Supervision
Community supervision agencies oversee the vast majority of people under correctional control. When done well, community supervision can increase public safety by holding people accountable for their criminal behavior and facilitating positive behavior change to reduce people’s likelihood of reoffending. However, high caseloads, insufficient interventions to reduce recidivism, and budget shortfalls make it challenging for probation and parole agencies to achieve this goal. One of the ways states have helped community supervision agencies tackle these challenges is through the Justice Reinvestment Initiative.
Arkansas policymakers have long expressed concerns about the state’s high recidivism rate. Over the past 10 years, an…
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Arkansas policymakers have long expressed concerns about the state’s high recidivism rate. Over the past 10 years, an estimated 72 percent of prison admissions in the state involved people who were revoked from supervision, with unmet substance use and mental health challenges playing a significant role in these failures.
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